Redes relacionadas

If we wish to talk with local people we must do so in many languages. Working together (“co-creation”) can then play a crucial role in encouraging everyone to exchange information online. Glocal (global with local) networks can connect local communities with governments and academia. Networks run by respected bodies can counter misinformation with reliable science. They may be even more important for gathering indigenous and local knowledge to help people monitor and manage locally, while also showing officials and scientists how best to help local folk make good decisions.

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Naturalliance promotes conservation sustainable practices in 43 languages, thereby reaching a large portion of the world’s population. It provides ideas, links and other information on ecosystem conservation and restoration.


Visit IUCN's Naturalliance network for more information:



Perdixnet supports the conservation of the grey partridge (Perdix perdix). Available in 23 European languages, this network aims to help farmers, hunters and other wildlife enthusiasts restore ecosystems to a level that supports this charismatic bird across Europe.




Sakernet focuses on the research and conservation of the Saker falcon (Falco cherrug), providing resources in 10 languages. It facilitates knowledge exchange and collaboration among stakeholders and practitioners to support the conservation of this bird.


FalConNet is a platform dedicated to falconry and raptor conservation, connecting practitioners, researchers, and policymakers to share knowledge and best practices. It supports conservation efforts, cultural heritage recognition, and sustainable management of birds of prey.